Thursday, April 9, 2020

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World?

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World?

We all need a break from our everyday life. Going on a vacation is fun and fulfilling but you can gain a lot more by actually travelling exploring and being present at the places you visit. Here are some benefits of travelling it is better to spend your money on experiences rather than on material things. The memories you collector like treasures they will remain forever and will bring you more happiness than some new clothes or other material things.

what is travel

Think how good it will feel when you’re old and you look back to see not only an ordinary routine but also adventures and unique experiences you had gone through, and not only when you're old. Ever a few years from now you can recall how much fun you had and plan your next adventure. In the end, you will not regret the things you've done but the things you didn’t do. Travelling is a great opportunity to temporarily get away from your everyday life and look at it from a different point of view. It's so much easier to deal with issues and solve problems when you look at them from the outside.

While travelling you have a lot of time to think without distractions and make healthy decisions. You will have a better perspective and maybe even realize that things are not that bad as you thought. In our everyday life, we are used to doing the same things, meeting the same people, going to the same places. We basically live in our comfort zone, when you travel you get out of your bubble, you meet new people, other travellers and locals, you're exposed to different cultures, you see different landscapes and views you experience new things. You learn that the world is diverse and it helps you understand people that are different from you.

Travelling actually makes you smarter, you learn new things all the time. When you travel you get into unusual situations and face different challenges. It makes you push your limits to handle things better and come up with creative solutions. After all the best way to learn is through experience travelling helps you to know yourself better. You're out of your comfort zone and get to see your behaviour in different situations. Sometimes even extreme ones you will be surprised to find out new things about yourself that you didn't know and decide what and how to improve. The best part of travelling is the people you meet along the way.

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You get to meet new people from countries around the world whom you would never have met in your daily life. You listen to their stories tell yours hear various opinions and experience things together with people. Happiness is greater when shared with others. Travelling may sound scary or too challenging to some people and it’s okay just remember that you can choose your own kind of travel. It doesn’t have to be trekking in the mountains although that could be fun you can do anything explore cities do some couch surfing relax in nature visit small villages and so on you will get more confident and learn what is good for.

15 The Reason Why You Should Travel the World

Today we're looking at 15 reasons why you should travel the world.

Welcome to Travel Lovers the place where future billionaires come to get inspired. It's amazing to have you back with us for another Blog. We are strong ambassadors of travelling and what exploring the world can do for your mindset. So, we decided to write a blog in order to go through the benefits we identified from our own experiences. A special distinction we want to make before we start is between travelling and being a tourist. 

Tourism is a commercial product very similar to having a movie pass you get to experience different things without going out of your comfort zone, while travelling is more similar with exploring immersing yourself in a destination to the point where you're as much a part of it as it is of you. Big cities are filled with tourists while travellers focus on the less travelled paths. The rewards are exponentially higher for travellers than for tourists but it all depends on the reason for your trip. Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you'll be ready to book a flight and start exploring the world. If you’re new here, welcome be sure to subscribe and follow us on Facebook. Here are 15 reasons why you should travel the world.

1. It’s outside of your comfort zone: 

what is travelling if not leaving the order and moving towards the unknown? How far into the unknown you’re willing to go well that's up to you. You’re going to places where you don’t speak the language, where people don’t know who you are and you got to be in control of yourself for once. That's why many people never go to new places they explored one place with which they are comfortable and they repeat that visit. Please, consider this next time you decide to go somewhere.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

2. It helps you escape the routine:

we use travelling as a tool to conscious we break our behavioural patterns, when we feel like too many days look the same. It’s a brute-force strategy but for us it gets the job done. We plan trips ahead of time and space them out throughout the year so you always have a new one to look forward to. It's also a great way to add a new dimension to your life which makes the hustle bearable.
What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

3. Travel is a more advanced form of education:

want to get smarter quicker go exploring travelling is like condensed education. So many skills and new forms of interconnected knowledge merged together in a travel experience, then you level up at the end of your trip. What we love the most about the type of knowledge you get while travelling is that. It gives you a detail of insight which you cannot match otherwise you make sense of history geography and of international events, which others only study in school books. This type of experimental knowledge allows this information to stick around a lot longer.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

4. You get to meet new people and hear their stories:

Despite being more connected than ever it's hard to make new friends and expand your network. Travelling is the perfect opportunity for this. Both parties actively want to expand their networks with people from different places around the world. So, the environment is optimized for this type of goal. The last thing you want when coming back from a trip is to have never spoken to anyone new. It's a missed opportunity to learn about the world. Just talk to people and they'll gladly tell you their stories about their past and their lives and how they ended up being the person they are today. This allows you to understand context and form in non-superficial relations with people, which will dramatically outlast the others it doesn't hurt to keep in touch once in a while either.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

5. You’re exposed to new ideas:

a single trip can change your entire worldview. People fear what they don't know or don’t understand, this is a very prominent issue especially today. When media chooses to portray the worst in people just because someone lives in another geography than you do. There’s colour is different and they worship a different supernatural being than you. It doesn’t mean they don't share the same emotions that they don't have the same desires or the same goals in our travel. We found that most people are good and welcoming and they'll share with you what they have in order to make you feel good. A smile is always returned no matter where you go. Explore the world talk to people and actively try to learn from them. We've been alive as humans for so long that different parts of the world have mastered different aspects of existence. The last thing you want to do is travel with the belief that you know everything because you'll be shocked by your own ignorance.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

6. It makes you more independent: 

one goal in life is to be self-sufficient meaning if it comes to it your own set of tools is enough to keep you going. We're seeing this with younger generations where parents are overprotective and do not allow their children to face the hardships of life until it's too late. They grow up in a bubble and then reality hits them like a brick in the face. Travelling is a great solution for this because although you can call your mom and dad to hit the Western Union or book the flight home you still have to rely on your own abilities to have a good time. Travelling in small groups or even alone gives you the superpower of being enough by yourself and decreases your reliance on external factors.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

7. The foodies amazing: 

life's too short to eat the same type of food every single day. Not exploring the food culture of the world is a major sin in our eyes and should be punished accordingly. Imagine there's a book with thousands of pages and you read over and over again the same first page, never turning it over once. Even hearing that makes you realize how stupid that is but that's how most people live. Their lives food is an extraordinary sensory experience. You’re literally bringing a part of the new environment inside of your body what’s more personal than that. Some of our best experiences happen food because people can be themselves when they're eating. Food has that power over people and it brings out their most natural selves.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

8. Travel makes you realize how much you don't know:

the more you travel the more you understand how closed-minded you've been living. The world is so vast and filled with knowledge and stories you would otherwise die without knowing. The beauty of life comes from expanding your horizons whatever form that might take. This might sound odd to some people but the more you explore the more you realize how complex human life is and it’s hard to comprehend that most people will never get that perspective. A life without travelling is like living in a cage you're not living you're just being kept alive.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

9. It de-stresses you:

we've experienced this ourselves life is complicated and it takes a strong toll on us as humans especially since, we're putting so much pressure on ourselves. Despite us justifying the importance of whatever it is we ‘restressing about for the moment. The world keeps on spinning in a major disregard of our minuscule existence. Travelling provides us with an escape from that it makes you a passenger in other people’s existences instead of your own usual position as the driver of your own life.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

10. You make memories:

Memories are the one type of wealth, which grows more value as time goes by. At some point in life, we'll all find ourselves left with just our memories. These will probably be the last thing we have to give up before we die so, we might as well invest in them. People who travel have stories to tell because they lived they've seen places they've met people life happened to them. And these memories are even better if they're shared with the people you care about because memories are the underlying bond of relationships. They set the cornerstones for true friendships.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

11. Freedom to travel is the new measurement for success: 

who cares how much money you have in the bank if you've never seen the world. Who cares what your cash flow is if you’re unable to leave the country because the government forbids it. Freedom to travel has become a new measurement for the newly rich. One week we're in Rome the next we’re settled into our apartment in Manhattan. Once the business is done we’re on a plane to Shanghai. The world is your playground and you need to start playing in it if you really want to feel wealthy.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

12. Travel forces you to be more social:

In this digital world, people have become excessively boring. They lack a personality because they no longer go out to form one because of their indoor existence. We are forming our personalities based on almost the same type of pattern provided on the Internet. We all laugh at the same memes, we all watch the same TV shows, and we order the same types of clothes from the same online retailers. You're no longer you. You’re a product of what the affirmation companies want you to be. The antidote to all of this is real-life conversations, even better if these are hard conversations meaning they're meant to test your current beliefs. We are so used to living in our own designed echo chambers that people are triggered when they hear something which goes against what they've been infused to believe and are massively outraged. Travelling teaches you to be social to talk to people you don't know and learn from them.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

13. It increases your problem-solving skills:

Want to get better at life? Travel!! Inevitably you'll be faced with situations where you'll need to be quick on your feet to get creative in your problem-solving and figure how to get yourself out of difficult positions. All this makes you a more resourceful individual and has side benefits into whatever you're planning to do in the future because life is very cyclical in nature. Only the details change we like people who travel a lot they seem more confident and are not shaken that easily.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

14. Some experiences have an expiration date on them:

You’ll never get to experience a city the same way you did the first time. Visiting Paris when you're a teenager holding hands with your high school sweetheart differs completely to the experience of a couple who just had their second child or that of someone who’s in their 50s. The experiences you can enjoy while travelling has an expiration date on them. This means if you don't travel right now you’re missing out on something, which you’ll never be able to experience again. Yes, you can see the landmarks but by now we expect you understand that travel isn’t about getting a selfie in front of a random building or construction, There’s more to it than that.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

15. Travel is a better investment than more material things: 

we take experiences over another set of fancy clothes any day. We've touched on this idea some time back but some investments you do for your financial portfolio which is meant to secure your freedom, while others you do for your soul. Everything else is just an expense and that’s all for today a lack sirs we hope this video sparked some interest in exploring the world and if you want to know what we need when we travel click here to check our travel accessories collection.

we're always looking for exciting new destinations so we’re curious to know what's your favorite country to visit let us know in the comments and for those of you still reading this Blog, we salute and thank you. As always you're getting a bonus reward.

What is Travel | 15 Reason Why You Should Travel the World

16. Travel makes you find who you really are:

It’s a very humbling experience making you realize life does not revolve around you. There are so many people living their own version of reality and having to really understand that is growing by itself. On top of that, you can finally find who you really are something you can’t do if you don't expose yourself to the new and to the unknown. Being face to face with the world allows you to define and polish the piece of art you are and from that point forward your destiny becomes clear. It's almost like an addiction once you realize the transformative powers of travel.

If you’re still reading this please write the number of countries you have visited so far in the comments as of 2020 there are 195 countries recognized worldwide. It doesn't matter if the number is high or low what is important is for you to be honest with yourself and realize how much more of the world you have to explore. We are so interested to see if you understand the importance of travel or not.

Thank you for spending some time with us Travel Lovers make sure to share and subscribe so you never miss another Blog. We’ll see you back tomorrow.